Member Payment & Renewal
The National Concierge Association (NCA) grants membership status to Concierge professionals of all types, associates and hospitality partners. An affordable membership gives you access to unparalleled education, resources and networking.
Membership Levels & Payment Options
Membership types include:
Individual with the title of Concierge or Concierge business owner, or manager who have been a Concierge for six months or longer.
Group Memberships for Concierge Professionals
The NCA grants “group” membership rates to Concierge businesses or divisions with five (5) or more Concierges (any category) employed in the same company.
Associate Concierge
Hospitality industry professional who does not have the title of Concierge but whose position includes duties comparable to that of a Concierge.
Business whose exceptional products or services are of benefit to Concierge clientele.
*Concierge professionals whose services are located in a city in which an NCA Chapter is located must also join the NCA via that chapter. All others may join as NCA “At Large” members.